It was lovely sunny day in Dublin and I was looking after David, a 18 months old boy. One of my babysitter, Rita, was minding two other kids, Eoin and Maebdh, 2 and 3 years old respectively. They live very close to each other so we made a plan and decided we’d all go together to Airfield Farm in Dumdrum.
We ate a very nice lunch at the restaurant and all the children enjoyed drawing the animals on papers, after the food we went for a walk and visited the farm`s animals, we saw cows, pigs laying down on the mud and we fed the goats with some grass. From my experience it is very important to familiarise children with nature and interacting with animals at a young age, this is not just my opinion, studies have shown that kids who interact with animals at a young age have increased empathy and compassion.
At the Farm we used the opportunity to educate the children in a fun environment about food, farming and the natural world in a interactive and relaxed environment.
If you ever have the opportunity I am fully recommend you to visit Airfield Farm.