Now that we are lucky in Dublin with this sunny days is a very good idea in my opinion teach and introduce the children lessons about botany: plants, flowers and trees are an important part of the child’s everyday environment Even if living in the city, the child can be in contact with plant life. Children do need their attention drawn to nature around them in order to develop an appreciation and respect for it. By doing this we help the child to understand the ecological significance of the plant kingdom for the future of the planet.
The children should have access to the garden,parks and outside areas. If none is available try to have flower tubs and window boxes as the children should be given the opportunity to become gardeners and work with proper tools. First show the children how to prepare the soil and then to plant the seeds. Always encourage them to look after their garden or window box or flower tub. All this planting can be linked to the seasons. These activities make the children feel part of their community and they are aware that they are part of a purposeful activity. Also the children can come in contact with the physical environment of a garden i.e. sky, clouds, sun, wind, snow, rain, rain, etc.
Children love the freedom of the outdoors to explore at their own pace where they can simply wander around an open area (supervised) taking in everything they see, hear, smell and touch. If prepared with paper and crayons they can make bark rubbings, or collect leaves with on their return to school can be used for leaf rubbings. They can bring back objects i.e. – conkers, shells, feathers, etc and display them on the nature table.