Hi there!
Halloween is here one more year and we decided to learn new words about Halloween, this activity is for all ages just need to find yourself more vocabulary and pictures according with the children´s age.
I am focusing in 12- 18 months old so the words today are basic and non-phonetic words. I will introduced the flashcards by 3 period lesson method to the children.
For homemade Halloween flashcard we will need to follow this steps.
- Choose some pictures and words you like. Either from the internet, or your own photos, I printed black and white in this occasion for halloween.
- Choose some colour or white papers, I like to use the same colour for all background cards to do not distract the child with many different colours, so they will focus in eye & coordination, and sounds of the words.
- Cut the pictures and words.
- Glue pictures onto card
- Laminate your flash cards to keep it for long time in good condition!
I like to use 3 flashcards at the time and use the 3 period lesson
- This is a BAT.
- Can you show me the BAT?
- What is this..?
Repeat the same with the other 2 cards, and next day use 3 new flashcard and new words!
Will write a post with the 3 period lesson method details soon
Enjoy Halloween 2016!